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N06DB150K Taiyo Yuden

  • More about N06DB150K Taiyo Yuden

    N06DB150K Taiyo Yuden

    N06DB150K is manufactured by Taiyo Yuden and is categorized in the Fixed Inductors category. N06DB150K is described as FIXED IND 15UH 1.3A 120 MOHM SMD. Perfect Parts is a supplier of Inductors and other Passives.

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  • More About  Fixed Inductors


    An inductor is an electronic part that has inductance. Inductors are also known as a coil, reactor, or loop that is used for its inductance value. An Inductor resists changes to the current which flows through it. The main types of inductors are Fixed Inductors and Variable Inductors.
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