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1-1614770-8 AMP - TE CONN

  • More about 1-1614770-8 AMP - TE CONN

    1-1614770-8 AMP - TE CONN

    1-1614770-8 is manufactured by AMP - TE CONN and is categorized in the Uncategorized Connectors category. Perfect Parts is a supplier of Connectors and other Interconnects.

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  • More About  Uncategorized Connectors


    Connectors are electromechanical electronic components used to join electrical circuit devices. They are also known as interconnecting devices. Connectors are either a plug or a socket. Connectors are used to terminate a cable. One of the major characteristics is that connectors are either male or female. Connectors are used in a multitude of applications such as automotive, medical, industrial and more. There are many types of connectors such as board connectors, circular connectors, fiber optic connectors, rectangular connectors, and RF connectors.
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